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Frequently Ask Questions

Why does Formulaᵐ have three specific components?

Vitamin B2, CoQ10, and magnesium preparations were all evaluated in clinical trials, showing a greater effect on the migraine frequency and intensity when compared with placebo.

How does CoQ10 work?

CoQ10 is a vital component of the electron transport chain in the mitochondria. It plays a crucial role in producing ATP, the primary energy source for cells. CoQ10 can help alleviate migraines by providing a steady energy supply to the brain cells by improving mitochondrial function. CoQ10 also serves as an antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress and scavenging free radicals implicated in migraine pathophysiology. Additionally, some evidence suggests that CoQ10 may reduce neuroinflammation, another factor in migraines.

How does Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) work?

Riboflavin is a crucial component of cellular energy metabolism, particularly in producing mitochondrial energy. It acts as a precursor for synthesizing two essential coenzymes, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), which are crucial for the electron transport chain. The electron transport chain is a major component of cellular energy production. Riboflavin may also have neuroprotective effects due to its role in energy metabolism, which could help stabilize neurons and potentially prevent migraine triggers. Additionally, riboflavin may reduce oxidative stress in the brain, which is believed to be a contributing factor in migraines.

How does Magnesium work?

Magnesium has essential roles in the body that are relevant to preventing migraines. Firstly, it regulates the release of various neurotransmitters and receptors in the brain, including NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors, which help to avoid excessive excitation that could lead to a migraine. Secondly, magnesium influences vascular tone, reactivity, and blood flow regulation, acting as a natural calcium channel blocker that prevents the constriction of blood vessels in the brain, which is a factor in migraine attacks. Additionally, magnesium is believed to inhibit cortical spreading depression (CSD), the wave of neuronal and glial depolarization that is thought to underlie the aura phase of migraine. Finally, magnesium plays a role in maintaining normal nerve and muscle function and a balanced electrolyte status, which is crucial for proper nerve function.

How should I take Formulaᵐ?

It is recommended to take supplements with food, especially those containing a moderate amount of fat, as it can enhance absorption, particularly for fat-soluble substances like CoQ10. However, some substances can affect the absorption or effectiveness of these supplements. Excessive calcium intake can interfere with magnesium absorption. Phytic acid, which is naturally found in many foods and has potential health benefits, can significantly bind to magnesium and other minerals like calcium, zinc, and iron, reducing their bioavailability. To reduce phytic acid levels, grains and legumes can be fermented, soaked, or sprouted. Taking Formulaᵐ supplement 30 minutes before or 45 minutes after consuming phytic acid-rich foods such as nuts, whole wheat products, rice, barley, etc., may be beneficial. It is recommended to use Formulaᵐ supplements continuously one capsule twice per day.

How quickly will I see the results?

It may take several weeks or even months to notice a therapeutic effect. We recommend at least six months trial of supplementation. It’s important to be consistent and keep track of headache frequency and intensity, potential triggers, and medication intake with a diary to accurately assess the positive effects of the Formulaᵐ.